All You Need to Know About Tableau Certification
Why Go for Tableau Certification? When we look at picture A, we are sure to understand the reason behind the frustration of both the presenter and the attendees in the meeting compared to the sorted and calm environment in Picture B. The better visual presentation you have for showcasing the data, the easier it is for the people around you to understand the same. There are certain tools, which help in a similar manner on a larger scale to the organization. Tableau is one such powerful tool that not just makes visualization of data easier but also adds meaning to business intelligence. The world has generated 50 times more data as compared to the previous ten years together by 2020 according to International Data Corporation ( IDC ). This arises the need for professionals who have the skill-set to handle this data be in terms of storage, or even visualization of the same. One such tool is, of course, Tableau which is a data visualization tool and is high-on-demand....